Array like Api
Here you can find a list of methods with an array like syntax. These methods differ from the originals because always return an Enumerable.
- concat(source)
- copyWithin(target, start = 0, end = Enumerable length)
- entries()
- every(callback)
- includes(item)
- indexOf(item, start = 0)
- fill(value, start = 0, end = Enumerable length)
- filter(callback, thisArg)
- forEach(callback, thisArg)
- keys()
- lastIndexOf(item, end = Enumerable length)
- map(callback, thisArg)
- pop(callback = noop)
- push(...items)
- reduce(callback, initialValue)
- reduceRight(callback, initialValue)
- reverse()
- shift(callback = noop)
- slice(start = 0, end = Enumerable length)
- some(callback)
- sort(compareFunction)
- splice(start, deleteCount)
- unshift(...items)