Sql like Api
Here you can find a list of methods with a linq like syntax. You can use these methods to query data, filter, select and so on.
- aggregate(callback, initialValue)
- aggregateRight(callback, initialValue)
- cast(type)
- count(predicate = trueFunction)
- delete(...items)
- distinct()
- except(source)
- first()
- firstOrDefault(default)
- groupBy(keySelector, elementSelector, resultSelector, comparer = Enumerable deep comparison)
- groupJoin(inner, outerKeySelector, innerKeySelector, resultSelector, comparer = Enumerable deep comparison)
- having(callback, thisArg)
- insert(...items)
- intersect(source)
- join(inner, outerKeySelector, innerKeySelector, resultSelector, comparer = Enumerable deep comparison)
- last()
- lastOrDefault(default)
- orderBy(...getValues = identityFunction)
- orderByAscending(...getValues = identityFunction)
- orderByDescending(...getValues = identityFunction)
- select(formatter = identityFunction)
- selectMany(formatter = identityFunction)
- single(predicate)
- singleOrDefault(predicate, default)
- skip(n = 0)
- skipLast(n = 0)
- skipLastWhile(condition)
- skipWhile(condition)
- take(n = Enumerable length)
- takeLast(n = Enumerable length)
- takeLastWhile(condition)
- takeWhile(condition)
- unionAll(source)
- union(source)
- update(modifier)
- where(callback, thisArg)